303net Recominds these places to buy music online:



303Net live shows:



303Net now features a comprehensive listing of electronica links, called 303hoo. This directory is like the yahoo of the techno/rave world. You will find any music you are looking for, inlcuding many hard to find indie musicians.









303net Indie Electronic Music Artist Network

303Net features a comprehensive listing of electronica links, called 303hoo. This directory is like the yahoo of the trance / rave world. You will find any music you are looking for, inlcuding many hard to find indie musicians.
Looking to download some really good MP3's from an indie artist topping the electronica charts?

Top Ten:303net Featured MP3 Songs
CountDown Log File Top Ten List
Downloads Song
31977 - IronFruit2K.mp3
20827 - Dolphin_Whisper_Remix-DylanTauber.mp3
20812 - CarryMeDylanTauber.mp3
16051 - the_dome_2000.mp3
15403 - Sleepwalking.MP3
15212 - Blitzkrieg.MP3
13438 - LifeFeelingDylanTauber.mp3
13025 - Memory(RadioMix).mp3
12259 - DolphinSwimTranceRemixDylanTauber.mp3
10902 - ForDylanTauber.mp3

Indie Electronic Artists - add your music

Sites below are ranked by hits sent per month
303net Site of the Moment
dan pound
composer of ambient electronic acoustic new age space soundscapes

Next Update: Saturday, 29 March 19125, at 2:03 a.m.

Rank Site Total In In this
Total Out
1 Son of Waves Studios Music
Ambient / electronica by Dylan Tauber / Son of Waves Studios - free MP3 downloads. Twelve albums all for free download.
55646 17 10248
2 ETARDIA - PLUR - candy kids rave, underground rave
A site for ravers by ravers dedicated to reviving the underground rave scene. For anyone who unders
524 4 3207
3 Erik Donovan
Techno / Electronic Ballad composer
825 2 3165
4 JBoom Techno Music
JBoom FREE Acid/Trance Techno Music in MP3 format
1038 2 4476
5 Dj Tripper mixmaster, remixer, producer, free mp3
Dj Tripper, mixmaster, remixer, producer, free music, mixtapes, remixes, free mixtape downloads, fre
5189 1 4174

Rank Site Total In In this
Total Out
6 Electronic Love Motion
Psychedelic ambient electronic grooves. Downloadable mp3s available.
826 1 2756
7 Dylan Tauber on ReverbNation
Ambient / electronica / trance by Dylan Tauber / Son of Waves Studios
1 0 1268
8 Son of Waves Screenplay
A story with original electronic music, photography, digital art, and illustration, about Son of Waves, 12 Dolphins to save the planet, David The Visionary on the beach in Tel Aviv, a digital messiah, and an internet of Love.
1 0 1067
9 IamTesla.org
A site in honor of the life of Nikola Tesla, the greatest inventor to live.
0 0 952
10 hook
multi orgasmic mind humping drum n bass electronica trance pop
11 0 2985
27 0 1500
12 leukos industries
independent record label based in st. louis, missouri.
1 0 2109
13 Waxmasters
Booking resource for DJs, PAs, sound/lighting, graphic artists, MCs, and any other artists or vendor
8 0 1819
14 fx10243
lo fi electronic music looking for mixers
1 0 2136
15 CazCoronel.com
Caz Coronel is a unique and exceptionally creative DJ, re-mixer, producer and musician
6 0 4337

Rank Site Total In In this
Total Out
16 M.A.S. Productions
Beat Driven ambient music with strings and piano overlaid with analog techno sounds
45 0 2641
17 DylanDolphin.com
Dylan Tauber's newest site, art, music, videos, mobile friendly.
1 0 1601
18 Tears of Technology's Official Homepage
It natural flava from the city of New Orleans. Electro breaks mixed with aggressive trancey synths. A must to hear!!!
238 0 2296
19 DRiP Online Radio Show
Iron Feather & Hanna Banana play their fav CDs, Records & Mix Tapez
1318 0 3502
20 Acid, Goa, Trance
Darktrance spins the best of all three worlds: Acid, Goa, Trance!!!
113 0 2102
21 Bandname.com
World Wide Band Registry
1 0 9067
Pop / Classic Rock music based on a Beatles melodic influence, coupled with a Beach Boys vocal sound
12 0 2695
23 Near Death Experience by Dylan Tauber
The 7nth album by Dylan Tauber / Son of Waves Studios
1 0 1197
24 DylanDolphin.com
Electronic music, press, and music videos by Dylan Tauber. Mobile friendly.
0 0 782
25 veracohr.com
Artist site for independent electronic musician Veracohr.
133 0 2597

Rank Site Total In In this
Total Out
26 AstralHealing.org
Bringing the astral healing centres down to earth.
2 0 1345
27 The music videos of Dylan Tauber
9 music videos by Dylan Tauber / Son of Waves Studios
0 0 1320
28 H::C::R
Home Page for the Group HCR Epic/tribal/circuit house
1 0 2120
29 mainline
nu school breaks band homepage
80 0 2386
30 Squat5 : Free Artistik Zone underground free music
site qui vise à mettre en contact, à regrouper,et à faire connaitre des artistes qui veulent faire p
1 0 2833
31 northcape: melodic electronica and beats
warm, refreshing genre defying electronica
45 0 4145
32 Dolphin Trance
Dolphin inspired Trance music by Dylan Tauber / Son of Waves Studios. Released 2015.
2 0 1345
33 ->8Bit Productions Inc<-
9 0 2232
34 Cold Warning
Official Cold Warning Site
119 0 2047
82 0 3115
36 Pyftn Records / Pper Discos
¡Prepare yourself for the noise y prepárate para el ruido!
77 0 3144
37 >> alicemusik <<
:: The Alice and the Serial Numbers official web site ::
647 0 2576
38 Da~KaMuZa - Brutal Beat & "SMUR"
BreakBeat, Brutal Acid from UKRAINE...
304 0 2572
39 The TRUE TC P-1000 Resources
My own tracks in MP3, WAV, XM or ReBirth song
1 0 1598
40 SWStudios.net
Electronic music, imaging, and writing, by Son of Waves Studios
2 0 1022

[1-40] [41-80] [81-120] [121-160] [161-200] [201-240] [241-280] [281-320]


303net Network-join now.


303Net, and the DoubleMirrors Network are a creation of Son of Waves Studios © Copyright, 1996-2021.

 You are visitor # to the SWS Network (total count for all 22 sites):
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