303hoo Electronic Music Links!: Ambient
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  • PYOGENE - Original artist based in Montreal, CANADA. Electronic surrounding atmosphere CPU generated (electro-minimalist music). News, Mp3, Links and more. (English / Francais). (Added: 23-Feb-2003 Hits: 532)
  • Radio Days - beat-driven atmospherics from the international trio... (Added: 14-Dec-1999 Hits: 959)
  • RAW - New, raw, unfinished tracks from Son of Waves Studios. Alblum #2 in progress. (Added: 8-Oct-1998 Hits: 890)
  • Ray Buttigieg - One of the first pioneers of Electronic Music (Added: 7-Jan-2007 Hits: 513)
  • Son of Waves Studios - The DoubleMirrors Soundtrack MP3's by Dylan Tauber. Currently topping their ambient chart. (Added: 31-Mar-1999 Hits: 1038)
  • Sounds from Space - Son of Waves Studios presents Sounds from Space, 2017. Ambient soundscapes, by Dylan Tauber featuring the vocals of Enlia and Francessca Belisario. (Added: 4-Mar-2017 Hits: 307)
  • TechnoGariG - the "Collages Rustiques" are born from a brand new and straightforward approach of techno samples composition. Seemingly unrelated samples are creating a rythmic and psychedelic atmosphere much more influenced by free jazz or progressive rock than by usual techno. that's all I can say, you've got to check it out to make your idea. (Added: 25-Jun-1999 Hits: 907)

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Pages Updated On: 18-May-2021